Anne is the feisty red-haired, spoiled yet fun filled daughter of Perry and Serena Campbell born in 1869 Kansas. Her life will be filled with Cowboys, Indians, Barn Dances and rough weather. Falling in love with the Cowboy Lon Boston gives Anne the impetus to continue in the rough and tumble Kansas where just surviving can pull the beauty from a rose in less than a day. His quiet gentleness, impeccable demeanor and respect from his peers won him to her heart even before she noticed how handsome he was. Lon, 6'4", with black wavy hair, pale blue eyes and sweeping handlebar moustache rode a horse as though born on one. His quiet commanding voice was the antithesis to her too quick fits of temper. He found the sprightly Anne, barely 5' tall, fiery green eyes, a tangle of bright curly crimson hair the challenge he was eager to tangle up with...for the rest of his life.

A fun read of real people who settled in Kansas in the 1860s, midst the Kansa Indians and weather that would chase away the sternest folks, but they stuck it out and provided the backbone of a stalwart and confident people of Scottish and English tenacity and will power that survives today.
